Tel: (720) 408-0100


What we do

Swing Limiters


What is a swing limiter? 

 A swing (or slew) limiter tracks the positon of an excavator’s boom and dipper during lateral movement. They warn the operator when they approach pre-determined limits, improving safety by preventing collisions with hazards like traffic, signage and barriers. Some systems also prevent further movement if the limits are reached, giving an extra layer of safety. 

Why do I need one? 

Swing limiters add an extra level of protection to the safety systems that are already in place on sites such as highways, railroads, fixed hazards and busy areas. They are also becoming increasingly necessary on civil construction sites, particularly when excavators are being used within central reservations. They demonstrate safety is a key business priority but do more than just keep employees and the public safe – swing limiters provide swift return on investment by helping to increase productivity by adding an extra level of protection that enables to operator to concentrate fully on the task at hand, keeping costs to a minimum and protecting profits. 

All models offer an extra layer of safety with full-envelope control, which limits height, reach, depth and slew. 

Where can I use it? 

Swing limiters are ideal for use across the excavator market. 

How can they help? 

Our swing limiters have numerous features, meaning they can be used in a variety of different ways depending on the task being performed. 

Angular swing limiting 

These use two points that extend outwards at an angle from the centre of machine to determine the operator’s movement parameters. If the machine exceeds the set working area, the swing is limited. 

Virtual wall swing limiting 

Virtual wall technology provides full-envelope control, creating an expanded safe working zone when compared to angular systems. Virtual walls enable operators to set singular, dual-point and multi-point virtual walls, making them ideal for use in busy urban environments or next to highways and railroads. 

  • Singular virtual walls 

These allow operators to set a more specific exclusion area than angular swing systems, providing more space in which to manoeuver and making them especially effective next to active road networks. 

  • Twin virtual walls 

These are ideally suited for use in narrow areas with hazards on either side – such as central reservations – as they enable operators to set twin exclusion zones. 

  • Multi-point virtual walls 

Multi-point virtual walls provide the ability to set complex exclusion zones, making them perfect for deploying in the most confined working areas with multiple obstacles. 

Motion cuts 

Motion cuts provide the highest level of safety when operating excavators by using hydraulic motion cuts to prevent machine movement when it reaches pre-set limits. Our PME system features motion cuts as standard. 

Tail swing monitoring 

Swing limiters monitor both ends of the equipment, with the front end monitored by angle sensors working with the model entered in the software, and the rear by the machine dimensions in the model, referenced from a central point on the machine base. 

Safe system use 

Our PME system uses a simple, icon-driven display to make it easy to set limits and set correct swing limits. We recommend all operators are upskilled with accredited safety system training. 

Override key switch 

Our PME system comes with an override key switch for any exceptional circumstances that mean swing limits need to be overridden. 

Managing access to limits 

This enables supervisors and site managers to control access to swing limits directly from the device, so they can set safe working zones themselves. 



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